
skincare molecular technologies


Aesthetic regeneration gel

  • Repair scar-free skin

  • Minimizing recovery time after aggressive skin exposure

  • Effective protection of the epidermis and dermis

  • Promotes proper skin regeneration

  • Improves the complex effect of procedures

  • Skin care during radiation therapy

Innovative gel S.M.E.M.® DERM is designed to stimulate skin regeneration. Aesthetic regeneration gel contains signalling molecules of the extracellular matrix and chitosan — these bioactive components support important functions in the growth, development, health and longevity of the epidermis and dermis cell.


  • Peptide complex S.M.E.M.® isolated from extracellular space aloe vera and belong to the group of homeostatic signalling molecules, is primarily involved in the maintenance of a certain status of adhesion cell-cell interactions playing the principal role in the regulation of the main biological processes such as cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, work of the main enzyme systems in tissues, etc. S.M.E.M.® can stimulate reparative and restorative processes due to additional activation of the cell sources of regeneration.

    Chitosan-based hydrogel are high-water content material prepared from cross-linked polymers that are able to provide sustained, local delivery of a variety of biological agents. Chitosan hydrogel has pronounced antimicrobial effects due to destabilization of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and its antimicrobial character is due to presence of its cationic nature. Properties of cationic polymer chitosan include high charge carrier density; biodegradable, non-toxic; bacteriostatic.

  • Skin regeneration is the process of its natural regeneration, which is responsible for adult stem cells. When the body's tissue is damaged, the site cells secrete signaling molecules S.M.E.M.®. Stem cells recognize them and in response trigger a complete restoration of tissue site.

  • The body's immune system is activated after damage, to "remove" the cellular debris and bacteria. Immune system cells block the signal from stem cells and secrete molecules that accelerate adhesion. The affected area of the skin is restored with an incorrect structure and shape - a scar is formed. Capillaries formed inside, give the scarring a reddish hue.

  • S.M.E.M.® Derm hydrogel increases the number of signaling molecules for stem cells during the activity of immune system cells.

    * Activates adult stem cells (the cellular sources of recovery)

    The gel molecules give a signal to the tissue stem cells to go to the affected area. The gel molecules help to build cell structures correctly, grow tissues (proliferation), transform general cells into the desired cell type (differentiation), break down damaged cells (apoptosis) and accelerate chemical reactions in tissues.

  • * Minimizing recovery time after aggressive skin exposure

    * Effective protection of the epidermis and dermis

    * Promotes proper skin regeneration

    * Prevents the formation of skin edema

    * Improves the complex effect of procedures

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